Holiday spirit is all around us and that means that many of us are living in chaos. I’m speaking for myself of course, but can’t help to think that many can relate in their own way. I don’t have kids, but I have a busy bustling life that rushes me from one day to the next. After we make it through the plethora of scheduled holiday events, many of us are about to begin our training plans for Grandma’s Marathon and the Gary Bjorklund Half Marathon. If you are like me, it’s in the back of my mind and I haven’t even had a chance to look at my training plan. I’m currently running just for the fun of it and for the peace of sanity that it provides me (and to be able to eat that extra treat at mom’s house.)

Self care is something that I throughly enjoy, but don’t take the time to provide for myself. Not nearly enough. I am a Physical Therapist Assistant and a Massage Therapist. My job is to provide care for my patients and clients all day long. Well then, how do I provide myself with some self care in those tense moments? Welcome to my blog. I’m going to chat about some self care tips that you can do in an instant, or to make sure you are scheduling some time for that needed massage. I’ve always said that If I cant provide the care for myself, then I may not be providing the quality care I can for others. It’s really that important.
Self Care Tips:
Instant Vacation
At one time in my life I saw a therapist that provided me with a gift that I shall never forget. She told me to close my eyes and imagine my favorite place on earth that gives me joy, warmth, a vacation from the world. For me it was sitting on a beach in the tropics with nobody else around. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and the smell of the salt water. As I type this, I can almost feel and smell it all. She then told me to tap my left shoulder 3 to 4 times. “Now, Jamie, open your eyes. I have just planted a memory on your left shoulder. You can access this memory any time you want by tapping your shoulder.” I can tell you that it worked very well for me. I hope that you can use this tool for yourself.
Yin Yoga
Each Monday morning I go to my workout space in our house and do some yoga. I always start my Monday morning with Yin Yoga. If you haven’t tried it and are open to the idea, I welcome you to try it. You can easily find a class on YouTube. The basis of Yin Yoga is to hold postures anywhere from 2 to 6 minutes. The classes uses bolsters, blankets, blocks, towels, or whatever you have make yourself sit comfortably within a stretch. I always feel like I am ready to start my week after 20 to 30 minutes.
As a massage therapist I cannot stress the importance of getting a massage. I know that they might not always be in the time or financial budget. Try some of these simple techniques for a quick self massage.
Hand massage: rubbing the palm of your hands and fingers together to create some warmth. Next, use the thumb of one hand to apply some gentle pressure in a small circular motion on the palm of the other hand. Move on to
your fingers by gently squeezing and massaging each finger from the base outward to the finger tip. Wrists can be gently squeezed and massaged by wrapping one hand around the wrist and applying some pressure. You can use this same pattern for your feet, ankles and lower legs.
I hope this will help you as your training continues to ramp up. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need some ideas. Good luck with your training!

Jamie Vesel
Jamie is a 2025 Grambassador. Meet the other ambassadors here.
Follow Him on: Facebook, Instagram
Favorite Grandma’s Marathon Memory: In 2008 I ran the the Gary Bjorklund Half Marathon for the first time. I was just beginning my journey as a runner and had no idea what I was doing or what I was getting into. I had run my first 5K the year before and had a lot of fun doing it. At that point, I thought, “Maybe I can actually do this.” The pure excitement of learning that I can be a runner was amazing! During the race, I made so many mistakes that I would later learn how to correct. Nutrition, training, pacing, etc. I still work on each of these but have learned how to plan ahead.
A quote that guides, inspires, or embodies your training, racing, or life: “Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.” – Maya Angelou
A song that must be on your running playlist: Padam, Padam by Kylie Minogue. Definitely must have some Madonna, Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, and Janet Jackson.
The reason you absolutely won’t run outside: if its -10 or more or above 90 degrees.
Favorite post-race beverage: chocolate milk
2025 running goal: Finish the half marathon with a smile on my face and a ring of the PR bell
Three words to describe your training, racing, or life: endure, celebrate, repeat