Meet Cristina Nistler
Cristina Nistler is a certified athletic trainer (ATC) for Essentia Health and works throughout the year as a Medical Liaison for Grandma’s Marathon. She has a Bachelor’s degree in athletic training and a Master’s degree in exercise physiology.
In addition to assisting in providing care on race day and in the development of the event’s policies and procedures, one of Nistler’s primary roles will be to provide education to our participants in the buildup to and on race weekend.
Nistler has had the chance to travel to some of the largest marathons in the United States to learn from their medical operations teams, and she’s actually participated in some of those races as well. This fall, she plans to complete her 10th full marathon so she has extensive knowledge of what participants feel and go through during a training and race cycle.
She will be available to our participants throughout the year through a series of social media and blog posts as well as being a regular guest on our Gearing Up for Grandma’s podcast. She and Medical Director Kathryn McLellan will also be key parts of our pre-race training expo in January.
With her free time away from work, Nistler enjoys spending time with her rescue dog, reading, and taste testing ice cream.