Grandma’s Marathon 2025: A PR with Dad (part 2)

“Consistency is Key”- I have heard this from my dad about a million times throughout my running journey. Over the past 11 years since my first marathon, the consistency has simply not been there for me. Every runner has their excuses, no one has a “perfect schedule” for running. But for me, running was put on the back burner as I tackled nursing school, got married, worked as a nurse through a global pandemic, and completed four years of grad school. I would go through my training cutting runs short, or not running at all, and show up to races under-trained and with the simple goal of just crossing the finish line. While crossing the finish line is a HUGE accomplishment and something that should be celebrated again and again, this year, I have my eyes set on a new goal- A PR and crossing the finish line with my dad as he finishes his 25th Grandma’s Marathon.


What does consistency look like in this 2025 buildup for Grandma’s Marathon? For me, it’s going to bed on time so when my alarm goes off at 4am, I’m able to get out of bed and on the treadmill.

It’s remembering that I will be a better nurse practitioner for my patients if I get my heart pumping before work.

It’s focusing on increasing protein and avoiding the foods that we all know are not good for us. It’s consistently getting enough water intake throughout the day.

It’s focusing on recovery through stretching, weight training, and listening to my body.

It’s talking to my dad nearly every day about my workouts and my progress.

It’s keeping my mind focused on crossing the finish line with my dad in Duluth with nearly an hour PR.


My dad and I unfortunately were not able to test our fitness during the Gobble Gait 8K as we had planned due to a minor injury I was dealing with. But a few weeks ago, we returned to Hastings, MN to run the Gobble Gait course. Our first run together since setting this goal. That day, of course, had a -20 degree windchill and icy sidewalks. The cold messed with me a bit (including somehow deleting the picture that my dad and I took together following the run). But running with my dad for the first time was incredible. It helped me visualize crossing the finish line in Duluth, it showed me what I need to work on moving forward in my training, and it helped motivate me even more.


I have not had this level of motivation since my first marathon in 2014. Nor have I had this level of consistency since that time. I am seeing the results of consistency through faster times during my daily and long runs, more energy throughout the day, better sleep, and feeling better overall. Along with “consistency is key”, I am adding a new mantra to my line-up, “When motivation fades, rely on discipline”. It is discipline that I am relying on to continue getting up at 4am to run before work, to continue focusing on a healthy diet, and to continue improving my health. This goal that I am visualizing is becoming more and more clear as we get closer to June, and I can’t wait to see where this goal takes us.

Rachel Barger

Rachel is a 2025 Grambassador. Meet the other ambassadors here

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Favorite Grandma’s Marathon Memory: Grandma’s Marathon has been a tradition in my family since the 80s. After thirteen of my own Grandma’s Marathon weekends, it is so hard to choose just one favorite memory! So just to name a few: Finishing my first ever race in Duluth (the William A Irvin 5K) in 2011, crossing the finish line of my first full marathon in 2014, sharing the full marathon course with seven of my family members in 2016 when we revived our family running club from the 80s, crossing the finish line of the half marathon with my now husband during his first ever race in 2018, and experiencing the joy in Duluth in 2021 during the first race after the pandemic hit. Every year brings new favorite memories and I always look forward to adding to my “favorite Grandma’s memories” list.

Song that must be on your running playlist: “Big Dreams” -The Score

Favorite pre-race meal: The night before, ALWAYS the Michelina’s Spaghetti Dinner! The morning of, a banana, half a peanut butter sandwich, and a powerade.

Running superstition: I always say the same prayer as I cross the starting line and I always run on the far left of any race course (a superstition that stemmed from Grandma’s Marathon so I could be closer to Lake Superior throughout the race).

2025 running goal: I am SO excited to announce my 2025 Grandma’s Marathon goal- I am training to run the full marathon with my dad! This will be his 25th Grandma’s Marathon. I have run seven full marathons, six of which were when I was either in nursing school or nurse practitioner school. Due to this, I have not had the time to properly train and I have always crossed the finish line after my dad. This year, now that I am done with school and in a better place to train, I look forward to pushing myself harder than I ever have in the past in order to achieve this goal. Along with running the race with my dad, the goal that we made together would give me almost an hour PR in the marathon. I haven’t been this excited about a goal since my first marathon over 10 years ago! I can’t wait to share this journey!