Winter running presents its own set of challenges, especially living in the Northland, often leaving runners to fend off the elements: snow, ice, wind, or Jack Frost nipping at one’s nose! Of course, that can all change in a snap! However, if you’re like me, one who prefers crisp fresh air over the sweltering heat of summer, this information might aid running in the winter cold, all while having fun!
As stated before, running during winter months poses its own obstacles; therefore, making it important that before stepping out, you take some precautions. A vital factor associated with winter is daylight, or lack thereof. Oftentimes, getting that run in before or after work involves running in the dark. Thus, in this case it’s not only imperative to dress warm, but also to be visible to others. The singular yet simply most obvious factor to increase your visibility on the roads is reflective gear, and most brands incorporate reflective materials in their apparel designs– so no worries, you’ll still look fashionable out there! While some runners opt to utilize a high visible vest and a headlamp, others attach lights to their shoes, don glow in the dark wristbands, and even illuminated dog leashes. No matter what you wear, being seen is extremely paramount, especially while sharing the road with winter plow trucks.
Runners often become fixated on their pace. Slick pavements can make one sidestep a goal pace. Nonetheless, take a deep breath as there is no need to panic if your pace is off. It’s better to be cautious than take a tumble and risk injury. One possibility to combat the snow on the roads is investing in a pair of trail shoes.The extra traction might be a lifesaver. Other options on the market are traction devices with cleats which easily secure to shoes to provide additional sure-footedness and confidence as you stride across the winter terrain.
There is no better place to veer off the roadways to escape pavement and traffic congestion than Duluth, a city rich in trail systems. I love to hop on the bike trails in the winter. Fat tire tracks compact the snow making a great running surface. Just make sure to watch out for the bikers! From one end to town, one is just a skip away from some breathtaking nature vistas.
A great secret to enjoying a run in the winter is lots of layers (of clothing)…but maybe the greatest secret is your mindset! Always remember to wear layers that are easy to peel off. During my runs, I start out freezing but a mile or two later, with the blood pumping, I quickly warm up. It is easier to discard clothing than continually feeling uncomfortable in the cold. Going for a run in the winter is more about attitude than anything else; it’s mind over matter. Stepping out the door in wintery conditions and terrain can be a detriment to any runner. It is a challenge for any runner’s psyche. Worry less on pace and focus on applauding yourself for getting outside and enjoying the snow, not everyone is lucky enough to experience a run in it! Winter running can be a magical experience; however, it just takes some preparation!

Annika Voss
Annika is a 2025 Grambassador. Meet the other ambassadors here.
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Favorite Grandma’s Marathon Memory: I participated in my first Grandma’s weekend by running the Garry Bjorklund Half when I was 13 years old with my aunt. Being too young to use my free drink ticket for alcohol, Grandma’s Restaurant was kind enough to set me up with a celebratory Shirley Temple!
Quote that guides, inspires, or embodies your training, racing, or life: My favorite quote comes from running superstar Carrie Tollefson – “Get After It” –a simple yet profound catchphrase reminding us to attack the day and conquer goals!
Favorite pre-race meal: A rice bowl with chicken and vegetables
Three words to describe your training, racing, or life: Tenacious, Steadfast, Authentic
2025 Running Goal: Keep enjoying every step!