Start Line

With the woods of northern Minnesota and the scenic shores of Lake Superior providing a unique backdrop, the Grandma’s Marathon start line welcomes thousands of runners each year just south of Two Harbors, MN.
26.2 miles away sits the finish line in Canal Park, bringing lots of nervous excitement and anticipation to the participants toeing the start line — no matter if they’ve raced in Duluth before or not.
The Grandma’s Marathon start line is located just south of Two Harbors, MN on Old Scenic Highway 61. Click HERE for a Google Maps view of the start line area.
Wheelchair & Adaptive: 7:35 a.m.
Men’s Elite & Sub-Elite: 7:40 a.m.
Women’s Elite & Sub-Elite: 7:45 a.m.
Citizen: 7:45 a.m.
NOTE: Non-binary participants who are accepted into the elite or sub-elite field will be invited to participate in either the men’s or women’s separate start.
The Grandma’s Marathon start line is located just south of Two Harbors, MN on Old Scenic Highway 61. Click HERE for a Google Maps view of the start line area.
Wheelchair & Adaptive Divisions: 7:35 a.m.
Men’s Elite & Sub-Elite: 7:40 a.m.
Women’s Elite & Sub-Elite: 7:45 a.m.
Citizens: 7:45 a.m.
NOTE: Non-binary participants who are accepted into the elite or sub-elite field will be invited to participate in either the men’s or women’s separate start.
NEW IN 2024: To help create a more efficient start experience for all, participants will be divided at the start into three separate corrals (A, B, or C) based on goal finish time.
A participant’s assigned corral will be printed on their race bib. You may move backward in the corral system, but not forward (i.e. if you’re assigned to corral A, you can choose to start in either B or C).
Volunteers and signage will help direct you to the correct corral on race morning.
Official shuttle buses and the full marathon participant train will drop participants approximately 1/3 of a mile from the start line. There are no individual dropoffs allowed at the start line, so plan to take the earliest transportation you can to maximize your time at the start area.
Using official bus or train transportation is the ONLY allowable way for participants to get to the start line of Grandma’s Marathon. For the safety of our participants, volunteers, and the public, individual drop-offs at the start line are strictly prohibited.
Please click HERE for more information on available transportation to the start line and throughout race day.
You will receive an official, clear plastic gear bag at race packet pick-up. A label with your race number is provided in your race packet envelope and must be placed in the designated space on your bag.
Gear bags must be dropped in the appropriately numbered containers near the start corral entrance. You must drop your gear bag by 7:15 a.m. to avoid delays getting into the start corral. No gear bags are permitted in the start corral. Please plan to wear warm layers on race morning. Extra clothes can be discarded in the start area prior to the race – True North Goodwill will reuse or recycle all clothing left behind.
Participants may pick up their gear bags in the secure finish area. You may pick up your gear bag before collecting your post-race food, if desired.
IMPORTANT: Unofficial gear bags (including backpacks) are not permitted and will not be accepted. Do not leave valuables in your bag. Race officials are not responsible for any lost items. All bags are subject to inspection and should not be left unattended.
Grandma’s Marathon has experienced pace teams, presented by ASICS, to help keep you on track throughout your race. Pacers will be available for the following goal finish times: 3:00, 3:10, 3:20, 3:30, 3:40, 3:50, 4:00, 4:05, 4:20, 4:35, 4:50, 5:00, 5:30, 6:00.
Participants can find their pace team leader near the sign in the start corral indicating their goal pace.
There will be plenty of portable toilets, as well as water and medical aid, available to participants at the start area in the parking lot of Sonju Two Harbors. NOTE: Please be respectful of our neighbors along the racecourse and help keep Minnesota’s North Shore pristine by using designated portable toilets ONLY. Participants doing otherwise run the risk of disqualification.
The Grandma’s Marathon start area is lined on one side by trees and private property and on the other side by railroad tracks and Lake Superior. Due to this confined nature, as well as a lack of available parking, spectators are not encouraged at or near the start line.
More specific spectator information for race weekend can be found HERE.

Before the sun has even fully risen on race day, thousands of participants will be ready to roll at the start line of the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon.
Just 13.1 miles from their ultimate destination, participants will be flanked for the first miles by the natural beauty of northern Minnesota — tall evergreens on their right, the waters of Lake Superior on their left.
The Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon start line is located on Old Scenic Highway 61 just north of McQuade Safe Harbor. Click HERE for a Google Maps view of the start line area.
Adaptive: 5:50 a.m.
Elite & Citizen: 6:00 a.m.
The Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon start line is located on Old Scenic Highway 61 just north of McQuade Safe Harbor. Click HERE for a Google Maps view of the start line area.
Adaptive Division: 5:50 a.m.
Elite & Citizen: 6:00 a.m.
NEW IN 2024: To help create a more efficient start experience for all, participants will be divided at the start into three separate corrals (1, 2, or 3) based on goal finish time.
A participant’s assigned corral will be printed on their race bib. You may move backward in the corral system, but not forward (i.e. if you’re assigned to corral 1, you can choose to start in either 2 or 3).
Volunteers and signage will help direct you to the correct corral on race morning.
Official shuttle buses will drop participants approximately 1/3 of a mile from the start line. There are no individual dropoffs allowed at the start line, so plan to take the earliest transportation you can to maximize your time at the start area.
Using official bus transportation is the ONLY allowable way for participants to get to the start line of the Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon. For the safety of our participants, volunteers, and the public, individual drop-offs at the start line are strictly prohibited.
Please click HERE for more information on available transportation to the start line and throughout race day.
You will receive an official, clear plastic gear bag at race packet pick-up. A label with your race number is provided in your race packet envelope and must be placed in the designated space on your bag.
Gear bags MUST be dropped at the bus pickup locations prior to departing for the start area. Gear bags WILL NOT be accepted in the start area.
Please plan to wear warm layers on race morning. Extra clothes can be discarded in the start area prior to the race – Goodwill Duluth will reuse or recycle all clothing left behind.
Participants may pick up their gear bags in the secure finish area. You may pick up your gear bag before collecting your post-race food, if desired.
IMPORTANT: Unofficial gear bags (including backpacks) are not permitted and will not be accepted. Do not leave valuables in your bag. Race officials are not responsible for any lost items. All bags are subject to inspection and should not be left unattended.
The Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon has experienced pace teams, presented by ASICS, to help keep you on track throughout your race. Pacers will be available for the following goal finish times: 1:30, 1:40, 1:45, 1:50, 1:55, 2:00, 2:05, 2:10, 2:15, 2:20, 2:30, and 2:45.
Participants can find their pace team leader near the sign in the start corral indicating their goal pace.
There will be plenty of portable toilets, as well as water and medical aid, available to participants at the start area. After exiting your bus, please move forward until you reach the start corral you’re assigned. There will be banks of portable toilets in each area corral for our participant.
NOTE: Please be respectful of our neighbors along the racecourse and help keep Minnesota’s North Shore pristine by using designated portable toilets ONLY. Participants doing otherwise run the risk of disqualification.
The Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon start area is lined on one side by trees and private property and on the other side by Lake Superior. Due to this confined nature, as well as a lack of available parking, spectators are not encouraged at or near the start line.
More specific spectator information for race weekend can be found HERE.