A race requires runners of all speeds. Kind of like a story book, there needs to be a beginning, middle and an end. It’s obvious that someone will finish first and someone will finish last. Even so, if you are thinking about joining a race for the first time it can be intimidating to line up at the start line with others who are faster than you. It’s ok to be a slow runner, really – it’s ok.
Many of us might have memories of that awful day in junior high where between math and science class you had to lace up your gym shoes and go outside on the track and run the mile. The kids who already have running in their DNA loved the timed mile; but for many of us, it was not a fun day. That was the time in our lives we are awkward and emotional kids just trying to figure out where we fit in. Being last at anything was not cool – especially sports. Running the mile and finishing towards the back made you feel like everyone was looking at you. And at that time, maybe they were. Running a 5K, 10K, half or full marathon as an adult is not middle school gym day. I promise.
In a joint podcast with fellow Grambassador Rachel Barger, we shared our love for the back of the pack. We truly meant what we said about people of all speeds being supportive of runners. If you were to do an internet search on “running”, you will find all kinds of articles and stories about how supportive the running community is. Even after reading everything possible about running, it still takes a courage to move past the fears of being slow. Having spent most of my running days towards the back, I can assure you that no one is judging you. The only person worried about your pace is you. Running is an individual sport, try to avoid the trap of comparing yourself to others.
Another great way to be ok with being slower is to find your people. While some of you may prefer to run alone for a variety of reasons – others might benefit from a running buddy. For me, finding my people has been a game changer. I have a close group of family and friends that support each other. Some of us train together regularly, some of us run alone, but all of us are together in a chat group and we keep in touch often. We have fun and encourage each other to keep moving. And since running is individual, we don’t make each other feel like we always have to stay together. Regardless of your pace, running really does require you to be self-disciplined but finding your people helps.
Please be brave enough to say running slow is ok. I promise you won’t regret signing up for a race – especially any of the Grandma’s marathon races. Carrie Alajoki, 2024 Grambassador and proud slow runner.

Carrie Alajoki
Carrie Alajoki is a 2024 Grambassador. Meet the other Grambassadors here.
Follow Her on: Instagram, Tiktok
Favorite Grandma’s Marathon Memory: I have so many amazing Grandma’s memories but my most recent favorite memory was walking/jogging the half marathon in 2023 with my cousin who had never run more than a few miles. Seeing her excitement for the course is exactly why I love this race. She wasn’t concerned about pace, time, or the “usual” running things – she was there to have fun and enjoy every moment. As soon as she was finished and we were walking through Canal Park she started talking about next year! It was a great chance for me to step back from my own training and just enjoy the course, the spectators, and watch someone else fall in love the Grandma’s!
A quote that guides, inspires, or embodies your training, racing, or life: I always tell my kids to “make smart choices”. This training season I want to live by that advice by being a smart runner. I need to be sure to make smart choices and hydrate, stretch, and foam roll.
Songs that must be on your running playlist: Finish Line by Skillet, A Warrior’s Call by Volbeat, most Shinedown songs, and lately – This is Me and From Now On from the Greatest Showman
Running Superstition: My best friend has to run on my left side. We don’t function the other way around.
2024 Running Goal: My best half marathon ever was the year the race was canceled because of COVID. I have struggled the past few years and my 2024 goal is to get back to feeling strong and confident. A PR would be great but I don’t want to carry that pressure. My main goal is to leave it all out on the course!