Giving Yourself Grace

So many people say, “running is so great all you need is a pair of running shoes and you are all set”!  While this is technically true, running can be one of the most mentally challenging sports. At some point in training, you will get injured, sick, or have something come up that changes your training plan and that’s okay!   

This is something that I have taken a lot of time for me to come to terms with. For those of you who do not know me I may have some organizational/control tendencies (lol). A few years back my mom gave me one of my own childhood journals which was just lists of how to clean my room, what I was wearing to school, and what times I had practices for sports.  I do keep a weekly calendar to this day and love a good training plan and used to panic if I had to modify the plan at all. Often, I would push through workouts and runs when I was sick, not well rested, or mentally drained. This has led to lots of burnout and annoying lingering injuries over the years.  

When I was training for my first full marathon I had a few setbacks; I hurt my foot, and I got sick a few times. I also have Crohn’s disease so some days my body just does not let me run. When I get stressed, don’t have quality sleep, or get sick it makes my condition flare and resting is essential. I did a lot of learning through that training process and found I could still run a PR while being mindful and flexible about my training plan. As I have gotten older, and my running journey has evolved I have shifted my mindset to giving grace and being the best version of myself as a runner I can be.  

If I am unable to complete a planned workout I first determine why. Am I hurt, sick, tired, burnt out, or have a life event that has come up. I usually pull out my old trusty paper-training log and look at the calendar for the week. If it’s an event that is causing me to miss the workout, can I swap out days? If I am hurt, can I cross-train or do a pool workout instead? If I am burnt out from running is there a different workout or active rest that I can do instead of running? If I am tired or sick, how can I prioritize getting better? I prioritize fuel, water intake, and rest. Shifting my mindset from I can’t run today to I am going to do something different to help me be a better runner tomorrow really helped me with giving myself grace. Below I listed my three mantras for giving myself grace  

3 Mantras to Repeat to Yourself When Training Plans Change  

  1. I am being flexible with my training so I can be healthy and strong for the race!
  2. Changing my schedule to accommodate my body/ life will not hurt me but make me stronger for race day!
  3. I am fueling and resting my body today so I can be healthy tomorrow!

Giving yourself grace can be challenging especially when you have big goals and dreams for your race. But it is essential for success because as we all know no training plan goes perfect! Good luck to all runners, see you at the finish line on June 21st!  



Michelle Ziebarth

Michelle is a 2025 Grambassador. Meet the other ambassadors here

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Favorite Grandma’s Marathon Memory: So many great memories, I would say each year crossing the finish line and celebrating with friends and family. It truly is the happiest day of the year.

Song that must be on your running playlist: Mr. Brightside -The Killers

Reason you absolutely won’t run outside- Super windy and rainy- I hate being cold and wet. I do love running in a light snow, it’s so peaceful!

Favorite pre-race meal: I must have Spaghetti the night before every race! I love Grandma’s Spaghetti dinner and is a must stop every time for me!

Favorite post-race beverage: Purple Gatorade right after and a cold beer or bloody after a shower and changing into comfy clothes

Running superstition: I have to lay everything out the night before!

2025 running goal: Stay healthy and run a strong race!

Three words to describe your training, racing, or life: Training/Racing: Silly, relaxed, Hobby